The Love Canal Disaster

You may think of dirt as just the brown stuff we walk on, but healthy land is essential for people too, just as much as air and water. The soil provides the nutrition and water that plants need to become our food, shelter, or medicine. Healthy soil also helps naturally filter water so that it is clean for us to READ MORE

Developing nations should not be our dumping grounds

Last month, we talked about how environmental racism affects communities around the United States. However, this phenomenon doesn’t just happen at the national level; throughout the world, developing countries are forced to bear the burden of the world’s pollution and the effects of climate change, even when they are the ones who contribute the least to these problems.  For example, READ MORE

The Price of Pollution

Despite years of professionals advising against keeping the Piney Point phosphate mine open, HRK Holdings, the company that owns Piney Point, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and the Manatee County Port Authority continued their plans to use the toxic property for their personal gain. Their neglect for public safety led to a near catastrophe, the evacuation of 300 READ MORE

Leak Causes Toxic Algae Blooms

Since the Piney Point leak in Florida sent millions of gallons of toxic water into Tampa Bay last April, scientists and state officials have been handling the problematic legal and environmental aftermath.  Many environmentalists and state officials have been concerned that the nutrients in the wastewater could cause algal blooms that have the potential to harm the Tampa Bay ecosystem READ MORE

Chemistry’s Role in Climate Change

Chemistry is key to solving climate change. Everything we already know about climate change, and all the progress we have made combatting it, can be attributed to our knowledge of chemistry. We know what climate change is because scientists have sought to understand how greenhouse gases—namely CO2—interact with our atmosphere and oceans, but chemistry has also been essential to combatting READ MORE

An Overview of Climate Change

Climate change has been a hot topic throughout the news lately. But what is climate change? Weather vs. Climate People often confuse weather and climate. The two are not interchangeable and have very different meanings. Weather relates to the current condition of a specific location in terms of minutes, hours, and even days. Climate, however, is the average weather conditions READ MORE