Understanding Air Pollution

Air pollution is the release of both man-made and natural pollutants that cause negative effects on humans and the planet as a whole. These pollutants can take shape as solid particles, liquid droplets, or gaseous chemicals and present themselves in many different forms like carbon monoxide from car emissions or toxic, airborne chemicals from fires. Exposure to large amounts of READ MORE

Chemistry’s Role in Climate Change

Chemistry is key to solving climate change. Everything we already know about climate change, and all the progress we have made combatting it, can be attributed to our knowledge of chemistry. We know what climate change is because scientists have sought to understand how greenhouse gases—namely CO2—interact with our atmosphere and oceans, but chemistry has also been essential to combatting READ MORE

An Overview of Climate Change

Climate change has been a hot topic throughout the news lately. But what is climate change? Weather vs. Climate People often confuse weather and climate. The two are not interchangeable and have very different meanings. Weather relates to the current condition of a specific location in terms of minutes, hours, and even days. Climate, however, is the average weather conditions READ MORE