The Intersection Between Racism, Health, and Nature

Aside from blatant disregard for people of color’s health as seen in Flint, Michigan, environmental injustice can also be seen on a smaller scale. Less obvious health hazards can quickly add up and severely jeopardize the health of our most vulnerable members of society. Some examples include a lack of nature in poor neighborhoods to decreased access to nutritional foods READ MORE

Understanding Air Pollution

Air pollution is the release of both man-made and natural pollutants that cause negative effects on humans and the planet as a whole. These pollutants can take shape as solid particles, liquid droplets, or gaseous chemicals and present themselves in many different forms like carbon monoxide from car emissions or toxic, airborne chemicals from fires. Exposure to large amounts of READ MORE

California Wildfires: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

In California, rapidly changing climate creates the perfect conditions for longer and more extreme fire seasons each year. Paired with seasonally dry Santa Ana and Diablo winds, increasing temperatures and dry spells create highly flammable vegetation, which is ideal for wildfires. The dry, windy weather also causes bushfires to spread quickly and unpredictably. Windy and hot weather is natural for READ MORE