
Hi! My name is Natalie Ho and I am a high school senior seeking to educate on climate change and environmental injustices. I study at Valencia High School and it was there that I realized people require more knowledge of the global climate crisis and how it ties into environmental racism.

I began sharing my passion for Environmental Science in 2020 as a sophomore by founding “Learn Earth’s Worth.” In my junior year, I founded “The Environmental Justice Club” at my school where we host open discussions about environmental racism, educate the student body on the topic, work with national organizations to combat the issue, and participate in community service events that improve our local community.

During AP Chemistry my sophomore year I began learning about the role chemistry plays in combatting climate change. This motivated me to research the topic independently and begin my blog sharing newfound knowledge related to Environmental Science. From there, my interest in environmental science led me to discover the topic of environmental racism. My eyes were opened. I saw that environmental racism was prevalent everywhere: from the lack of green space in my own community to the way our trash is shipped globally to China.

I believe that it is important to invest in environmental science and utilize new discoveries in environmental engineering to work towards lessening the effects of climate change and fixing the inequalities that the climate crisis has put on minority communities as well.